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“No hugging no learning”

Interesting guideline, for Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David, in the early times of “The Pilot” : “no hugging, no learning”. Interesting insight, internal, on American cultural media morality. A rare, precious, and yet traditional strain of irony and self-irony. “You old bag!” shouted at an old lady outside the bakery after snatching her “chocolate rye”.

Culture of consensus, union and communion, and edification. How to manœuvre off it – with no superiority, edification of that kind either.

Culler from a far wider-ranging examination of the history of TV series since the 80s, London Rev of Books, James Meek “On the new TV“.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Claire Joubert (11 janvier 2024). “No hugging no learning” Ce que fait un angliciste. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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