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Walter Ong on Derrida

Juste pour le plaisir, Ong sur Derrida, nous sommes donc en 1982 :

In contending with JJRousseau, Derrida is of course quite correct in rejecting the persuasion that writing is no more than incidental to the spoken word. .. But to try to construct a logic of writing without investigation in depth of the orality out of which writing emerged and in which writing is permanently and ineluctably grounded is to limit one’s understanding, although it does produce at the same time effects that are brilliantly intriguing but also at times psychedelic, that is, due to sensory distortions. (Orality and Literacy, 77)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Claire Joubert (2 décembre 2018). Walter Ong on Derrida. Ce que fait un angliciste. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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