Pulse – looking around, Sunday afternoon
Culture of the Left Forum, late this year it seems, in NYC
Quillette : or even « Intellectual dark web ». These US white? academic islands of exchange which take themselves for the contemporary state of intellectual conversation. Wiki page presenting some account of origin and context.
The new-ish now culture of academic online journalism, current pressure or mot d’ordre for a direct contact of academia with the general public / civil society. The Conversation in France/French, offshoot of the anglophone Australian original, created 2011, anglais français espagnol indonésien apparemment. Cf « L’expertise universitaire, l’exigence journalistique », dixit slogan.
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Claire Joubert (30 juin 2019). Pulse – looking around, Sunday afternoon. Ce que fait un angliciste. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/n9p5