Anthropology of AI – “digital culture”, problem interface
A point of interest, which resurfaces regularly : anthropology, as angle to discuss, question, décompléter, AI and digital culture myths. In its core capacity as critical tradition on both human sociality and cultural diversity – or, diversity as culture.
Here Paul Ekman‘s classic and grounding, matriciel work on coding and measuring facial expressions (structurally claimed as universal, biological – produced for ARPA initially and later used and patronized by various security agencies and the automation of deception detection for post 9/11 terrorist screening at US airports), taken by Margaret Mead, and others. Atlas of AI, Crawford, p. 171, “fierce exchanges”.
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Claire Joubert (16 juillet 2022). Anthropology of AI – “digital culture”, problem interface. Ce que fait un angliciste. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse